Ensuring greater environmental sustainability and social equity in Ghana’s fisheries sector through a reduction of illegal fishing and strengthened capacity to support legal, sustainable and co-managed fisheries (Far Dwuma Nkodo)

Far Dwuma Nkɔdo

“Ensuring greater environmental sustainability and social equity in Ghana’s fishery sector through a reduction of illegal fishing and strengthening capacity to support legal, sustainable and co-managed fisheries” christened “ Far Dwuma Nkɔdo” is a European Union funded project being implemented by Environmental Justice Foundation and Hen Mpoano. The project ran from 2016 to 2020.

The main aim was to contribute to greater environmental sustainability and social equity in Ghana’s fisheries sector through a reduction of illegal fishing and strengthened capacity to support legal, sustainable and co-managed fisheries. The project was intended to empower small-scale fishers to secure their tenure rights, implement a co-management approach to fisheries, combat illegal fishing and promote alternative livelihoods to reduce dependence on the fishing sector.

The project’s objectives were;

* to demonstrably improve sustainable fishing practices through strengthening, monitoring and reporting on illegal fishing practises.

* to empower small-scale fishers, vulnerable and marginalized groups to articulate their interests in fisheries tenure rights reforms and effectively implement fisheries co-management.

* to promote alternative livelihood options for small-scale fishing communities.

Key achievements include

* Mapping of Fish landing sites along the Central Region Coast

* Mapping of 81 clam farms using Open Tenure Software

* Creation and strengthening of 4 clam resource user associations

* Construction of 3 sheds for clam resource management purposes

* Constituting a Clam Resource Co-management Group

* Facilitating the development of a clam resource co-management plan

* Training clam fishers to conduce basic ecological monitoring to support co-management decision making

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